Altru Email Confirmation HTML Generator

Event Details Form

All inputs required

Email HTML:

Instructions for use: click "Web" in the Altru top menu, then "Manage event registration forms" (or, rarely, "Manage event package forms"). Find the event you're looking for, click the green dropdown arrows next to it, then click the "Acknowledgement email" dropdown.

Click "Edit" from the context menu that appears, which brings up the email editor. Update the Subject Line, if desired, then click "View" and then "Source code".

Copy all the code from the output box below then paste it here. Click "Save" to close the code editor, and confirm that the email content appears to be correct. You may edit any text you'd like to at this point in the editor. When you're done, click"Save" again to close the email editor.

Don't forget: click the "Acknowledgement email" dropdown again and click "Enable" to turn the confirmation email you created on.