Lecture Recording | Perugino in the Collegio del Cambio

Lecture Recording | Perugino in the Collegio del Cambio

Use this page to purchase a link to the recorded version of the Art History Lecture Series with Rebecca Albiani that took place at the Frye Art Museum on Thursday, February 8, 2024.

Lecture Recording | Perugino in the Collegio del Cambio

In 1496 the Bankers’ Guild of Perugia commissioned Pietro Perugino, then considered the finest painter in Italy, to decorate the audience hall of their headquarters, the Collegio del Cambio. The ensuing fresco cycle, with its mix of classical and Christian themes, is a masterpiece of Italian art on the cusp of the High Renaissance.

Lecture Recording | Perugino in the Collegio del Cambio

Pietro Perugino. View of the Sala di Udienza, 1497 –1500. Fresco, 9.5 x 13.1 ft. Wikimedia Commons.

Pietro Perugino. View of the Sala di Udienza, 1497–1500. Fresco. 114 1/2 x 157 1/2 ft. Wikimedia Commons.

December 31, 2024

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Lecture recordings are for personal viewing only. Please do not share your recording link.

Ticket Limit
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