Ongoing Programs

There's always something coming up at the Frye! 

Discover recurring weekly, monthly, and quarterly programs below, or explore Public Programs at the Frye for special events and exhibition related programming, from artist talks to unique performances and more.

Frye in Focus

Frye in Focus gallery conversations are held on Fridays at 1 pm, meeting in the Rotunda. These short-form, 45-minute discussions are hosted by a gallery guide and focus on a single exhibition or grouping of works. Free.

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Mindfulness Meditation

The Frye offers free, thirty-minute drop-in sessions of Mindfulness Meditation on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Sessions are guided on alternating months by Harborview psychologist Kristoffer Rhoads, PhD and Katie Freeman.

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, March 19

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, April 02

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, April 16

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, May 07

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, May 21

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, June 04

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, June 18

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, July 02

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, July 16

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, August 06

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, August 20

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, September 03

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, September 17

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, October 01

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, October 15

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, November 05

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, November 19

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, December 03

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, December 17

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Here Now – Arts Engagement for Adults Living with Dementia

Designed for adults living with dementia and their care partners to participate together, Here Now is a free arts engagement program that celebrates present-moment awareness and new possibilities for creative expression.

Art in the Moment

This intimate, dementia-friendly art discussion led by a specially trained museum educator offers a supportive small-group experience in the galleries. 

Art in the Moment

Thursday, March 20

Art in the Moment

Thursday, June 12

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Small Frye: Storytelling + Art

Join the Frye Art Museum and Seattle Children’s Theater for storytelling and hands-on art making! This free, one-hour program for preschool-aged children and their caregivers is held on the first Wednesday of each month, from October through May. Doors open at 10 am and the program starts at 10:15 am. Pre-registration is required.

Coffee and Creativity

The first Friday morning of each month at the Frye is dedicated to connection, creativity, and community for older adults. Start your day with coffee and conversation, followed by gallery exploration, engaging discussions, and hands-on art making.

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Mask-Required Hours

To accommodate immunocompromised individuals and those who prefer to visit when all guests and staff are required to mask, we offer mask-required hours on the first Sunday of the month from 11 am–1 pm.

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, April 06

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, June 01

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, July 06

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, August 03

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, September 07

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, October 05

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, November 02

Mask-Required Hours

Sunday, December 07

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Alzheimer’s Café at the Memory Hub

Join the Frye Art Museum and the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center for an uplifting time of social connection! A unique opportunity for people living with dementia, their care partners, family, and friends to enjoy artwork discussions, live music, snacks and community-building.

Art History Lecture Series with Rebecca Albiani

The Frye Art Museum presents an annual season of lectures by art historian Rebecca Albiani, exploring masterpieces of world art.

Dancing Together at the Frye

Join us in the Frye Salon for a seated dance class for people with memory loss and their families. Inspired by the artwork on display, this class incorporates classical dance elements and playful movements as well as unique dance creations built in the moment.

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Jazz in the City

Jazz in the City at the Frye Art Museum is a dynamic performance series organized in partnership with Ariel Media that celebrates the art form of jazz music and its long-standing influence and vibrancy in the city of Seattle.

Creative Aging Special Events

Creative Aging at the Frye provides public programs and professional development opportunities focused on art, creativity, healthy aging, and dementia. These offerings include hands-on workshops, interdisciplinary lectures, and a variety of special events. 

Dancing With Dementia

Thursday, May 01

Arts, Naturally

Friday, May 02

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Meet Me at the  Movies

Celebrate the magic of film! Designed for individuals with memory loss and their care partners, this program themed film clips that spark imagination and memories, followed by a facilitated audience discussion.

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Unpoetry at the Frye

Unpoetry at the Frye is a quarterly public tour of current exhibitions featuring a rotating roster of local poets, authors, and artists. This partnership aims to inspire deep looking and questioning of art through Ekphrastic writing techniques.

Unpoetry at the Frye

Thursday, May 15

Unpoetry at the Frye

Thursday, September 18

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