Dolls of Gratitude Community Celebration

Dolls of Gratitude Community Celebration

Frye Art Museum and Path with Art invite members of the community help us celebrate this special collaboration!

Dolls of Gratitude: A Community Art Collaboration is a community-based project guided by the understanding that art provides a pathway to holistic health and well-being. Local artist Ixtli White Hawk developed an activity that invited community members to make dolls from simple materials. Dolls were created by community members from Path with Art partner organizations including; Mary’s Place Women’s Day Center, Harm Reduction Treatment Services at Downtown Emergency Service Center, Entre Hermanos, and Chief Seattle Club.

The resulting works showcase the project’s mission to encourage positive self-reflection and honor the artist within us all.

Light refreshments will be served. RSVPs are requested.

Dolls of Gratitude Community Celebration

A doll made out of crafting materials

Photo: courtesy of Path With Art

May 01, 2024

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Frye Art Museum
704 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Ticket Limit
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