OPEN Wed-Sun: 11 am to 5 pmThu: 11 am to 8 pm
The Museum is open to the public Wednesday–Sunday, while regular staff hours are Mondays–Fridays from 9 am–5 pm. There may be opportunities outside of these hours to volunteer.
Please select which shifts you prefer to volunteer. (To select multiple, ctrl+click on PC, cmd+click on Mac)
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Frye Art Museum. Upon submitting your completed application, please send a copy of your resume and two references to or mail to:
Volunteer Program Frye Art Museum 704 Terry Ave Seattle, WA 98104
I agree to hold the Frye Art Museum, its agents, officers, employees and volunteers harmless from any liability, loss, expense or claim for injury or damages arising from my participation in this program.