Finding Art In and Out of the Gallery: Creating Meaningful Discussions for Adults Living With Dementia

Finding Art In and Out of the Gallery: Creating Meaningful Discussions for Adults Living With Dementia

Designed for family members, friends, and professional social and healthcare workers, this free workshop will introduce techniques for engaging individuals living with dementia in discussion about art, personal objects, and the natural world. Strategies will be taught for encouraging participation, asking questions that inspire response, offering neutral rephrasing of comments to build discussion, and creating unique opportunities to look at art wherever you might be.

Together we will work to build skills for facilitating enriching, meaningful connections with art, whether you are in an art gallery, at home, or out in nature.

Presented with Greenwood Senior Center

Finding Art In and Out of the Gallery: Creating Meaningful Discussions for Adults Living With Dementia

A composite of images creating a forest scene

Sadie Wechsler. Madrone + Mullan, 2021. Archival inkjet print in madrone artist's frame. 44 1/4 x 55 1/4 x 1 1/2 in. Frye Art Museum, Purchased in honor of Director/CEO Joseph Rosa with funds provided by R. Todd Armstrong and Todd Rosin, 2022.004. Photo: Jueqian Fang

Friday, October 27

9 am–11:30 am

Greenwood Senior Center
525 N 85th Street
Seattle, WA 98103

Pre-registration is required by October 20 for this free training. Contact Kristen Oshyn, Memory Loss Program Social Worker,

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