Members’ Tour: Frye Architecture

Members’ Tour: Frye Architecture

We’re delighted to announce our Summer Monthly Member Tour dates and themes. Plan ahead and register today to reserve your spot!

Each month, our members are invited to meet us at the museum for a curated tour led by our knowledgeable Gallery Guides. Member Tours offer the opportunity to connect more deeply with the Museum and its current exhibitions and get to know others in our Frye member community.

*Tours are limited to 15 people and pre-registration is required.

Each Member Newsletter will include upcoming tour details and links to registration. You can also visit our website calendar for up to date tour information.

Questions? Contact us at or 206.432.8227

*This event is a benefit for current Frye Members only. Not a member yet? Join today and register for this event.

Members’ Tour: Frye Architecture

Frye Members' Night Tour

Photo: Jonathan Vanderweit

Sunday, June 12, 2022

11:00am – 12:00 pm

Frye Art Museum
704 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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