Young Supporters Reception & Tour

Young Supporters Reception & Tour

In appreciation of your generous support of the Frye Art Museum, we invite you to join Associate Curator, Georgia Erger, and Artist Eden Seifu for an exclusive reception to meet Eden and learn more about her pieces featured in Door to the Atmosphere.  

Eden Seifu is a local Seattle artist whose work takes an interest in depictions of the fantastical and surreal as mediums for the viewer to become intimate with the psychology of oneself and of others. In featuring people of color, especially Black people, as her subjects, she wishes to combat the historically exclusive tradition to depict only a small percentage of people as receptors of the most poignant and riveting human emotions. 

Please join us at the Frye for a reception with light refreshments, followed by remarks and a tour from Associate Curator Georgia Erger and Artist Eden Seifu.  

Those eligible will receive an official email invitation prior to the event. Members may also RSVP by calling 206 432-8227 or emailing Not yet a member? Join today! 

View transportation and parking options. 

Young Supporters Reception & Tour

Eden Seifu. Stylite Altarpiece, 2022. Acrylic on canvas. 68 in. x 54 in. Courtesy of the artist and Deli Gallery, New York

Eden Seifu. Stylite Altarpiece, 2022. Acrylic on canvas. 68 in. x 54 in. Courtesy of the artist and Deli Gallery, New York

November 09, 2022

6 – 7:30 pm

Frye Art Museum
704 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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