On Dementia: Care, Community, and Creativity | Susan H. McFadden, PhD

Throughout spring 2021, the Frye Art Museum, in partnership with Aging Wisdom and the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center, presents "On Dementia: Care, Community, and Creativity," a series of three conversations with leaders in elder care who have published books in 2020 that bring hope, connection, and joy to adults living with dementia, their care partners, families, friends, and those who provide support.

On April 8, 2021, Susan H. McFadden, PhD, author of Dementia-Friendly Communities: Why We Need Them and How We Can Create Them, spoke with Keri Pollock, Director of Marketing and Communications, Aging Wisdom.

Intentional, thoughtfully engaged dementia-friendly communities can give people with dementia the opportunity to continue living with purpose, reciprocal personal relationships, and enrichment. A positive thread throughout Dementia-Friendly Communities is that “underpinning successful dementia-friendly communities is an awareness of people with dementia as active citizens, and the importance of supporting engagement in community life.”

Susan H. McFadden, PhD, is an experienced researcher and practitioner in the field of dementia. She was formerly Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and co-founded Fox Valley Memory Project (FVMP), whose vision is to help create dementia-friendly communities. She is co-author, with her husband John, of Aging Together: Dementia, Friendship, and Flourishing Communities.

Support independent bookstores and purchase Dementia-Friendly Communities from Seattle’s Elliott Bay Book Company: cloth edition.