Frye in Focus | Jessica Jackson Hutchins & Sky Hopinka

Frye in Focus | Jessica Jackson Hutchins & Sky Hopinka

Join our knowledgeable Gallery Guides as they facilitate a discussion focusing on Jessica Jackson Hutchins: Wrecked and Righteous and Sky Hopinka: Subterranean Ceremonies. Learn more about the exhibitions on view as we highlight individual artworks and discuss overarching themes. Frye in Focus tours are free to the public and on a first-come, first-served basis.

Jessica Jackson Hutchins: Wrecked and Righteous is organized by Amanda Donnan, Chief Curator and Director of Exhibitions.

Lead support provided by The Ford Family Foundation, administered by Portland Institute for Contemporary Art.

Generous support provided by the Frye Foundation and Frye Members. Media sponsorship provided by KEXP.

Sky Hopinka: Subterranean Ceremonies is co-organized by Georgia Erger, Associate Curator, and Amanda Donnan, Chief Curator and Director of Exhibitions.

This exhibition is made possible through support from the Terra Foundation for American Art.

Lead individual support provided by Rhoda Altom and Cory Carlson. Generous additional support provided by the Frye Foundation and Frye Members. Media sponsorship provided by Encore Media Group.

Frye in Focus | Jessica Jackson Hutchins & Sky Hopinka

A still from a video of a person's palm holding a beadwork flower

Sky Hopinka. Kicking the Clouds (still), 2021. 16mm film transferred to digital video (color, sound); 15:36 min. Courtesy of the artist

Sundays and Select Saturdays From February 25 Through May 5

1–1:45 pm

Frye Art Museum
704 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Ticket Limit
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